Gobierno de México Educación TecNM

Engineering Electromechanical

General objective

To train professionals with high capacity to evaluate, design, implement, manage and innovate electromechanical systems in an efficient, safe and economical way based on local, national and international norms and standards with an entrepreneurial and leadership attitude to promote sustainable development with full awareness ethical, humanistic and social.

Admission profile

Preference to have completed the physical-mathematical area at the upper secondary level.

Interest in mathematics, physics and chemistry for problem solving.

Taste for the design and development of mechanical and electronic systems.

Attitude for teamwork.

ICT management.

Inventiveness and creativity.

Responsible, positive and entrepreneurial attitude.

At the end of the degree, the Electromechanical Engineer will be able to:

1. Formulate, manage and evaluate engineering projects related to systems and devices in the electromechanical area, proposing solutions with cutting-edge technologies, within the framework of sustainable development.

2. Design and implement electromechanical systems and devices, using strategies for the efficient use of energy in the productive and service sectors in accordance with national and international standards and agreements.

3. Design and implement strategies and programs for the control and / or automation of production processes and devices in electromechanical systems.

4. Design, manage, implement and control installation and operation activities of electromechanical systems.

5. Formulate, manage and supervise maintenance programs for the continuity and optimization of production processes, considering the care of the environment.

6. Collaborate in research projects for technological development in the electromechanical area.

7. Leadership and group work skills to make decisions based on a professional ethical sense.

8. Develop an entrepreneurial attitude through the creation and incubation of companies, innovating in products and services in the electromechanical sector.

9. Apply computational tools according to cutting-edge technologies, for the design, simulation and operation of electromechanical systems according to the demand of the industrial sector.

10. Interpret, understand and communicate ideas, texts and documents of different kinds in a second language.

Where does the Electromechanical Engineer work and what does it do?

In general terms, it works in the public and private sectors in the following areas: transformation industries and production and manufacturing processes that use machinery. Transport companies (land, sea, air). Machinery assembly companies. Companies in the electricity sector. Electric power generating plants. Technical consulting companies focused on electromechanical systems. Service companies that use mechanical equipment. In the hydraulic area, operating systems and works for the use of water resources for rural and urban areas (irrigation, power generation, water supply: urban and industrial). Companies dedicated to the marketing and maintenance of mechanical or electromechanical equipment. Research and development of new electromechanical systems applied to the public and private sector. Other work areas are located in the oil industry, electric power generation, mining, iron and steel, agro-industrial, food and health, as well as in transportation services.



Km. 2.5 Carretera Federal Perote - México Col. Centro Perote, Ver. C.P. 91270


Email: contacto@itsperote.edu.mx 
Phones: 01 (282) 8-25-31-50
y 01 (282) 8-25-31-51
Fax: 8 25 36 68


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